Friday, June 4, 2010

For the next 2 years of my life...

... I will be going to KU Med as a full time student getting my masters in Health Services Administration : ) .

After a sleepless month of anxiously refreshing my e-mail pages, compulsively checking my phone and running up and down stairs to double check mail my waiting is finally over. PaRtY!

According the the admissions counselor, all 28 positions offered accepted, however they decided they could squeeze in the first on the waitlist (me) regardless. I couldn't be thankful enough.

The e-mail arrived in my inbox at the ideal time: a day before The Boyfriend moves 7 hours away and the morning after a terrible freakout about my future. Needless to say it put a much-needed halt to this rather long funk of a mood i've been in.

Goodbye job, good bye early morning wakeups, goodbye boredom, goodbye relying purely on my social life for happiness.
Hello sleeping in, studying with the roomies, 4-10 pm classes every night, being challenged and doing what I love.

I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait to jump on the study bandwagon!

Now it's off to the beach for some relaxation. I can enjoy thinking about my future and spend The Boyfriend's first week away in Texas in a place other than my apartment. Couldn't have come at a better time.

Due to my spare time I will most likely be posting a lot in here! Til then,


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's awesome. So glad all the waiting and wondering is over!
