Tuesday, April 13, 2010

HoLy Cow!

AKA it’s been entirely too long since I’ve updated this thing. Either I’ve suffered from a multi-month bout of writer’s block, or I was just hibernating for the winter season. The 76 degree temperatures and sunshine filled evenings made their entrance back into my life thus and restored my resting energy.

So get excited for my completely nonsensical ramblings again.

To start off, a short, sweet to-the-point bullet point synopsis of the past 4 months in a nutshell:

-I am currently wrapping up my grad school applications for a Masters in Health Services Administration. My first choice is KU Med and I will be finding out after next week whether or not my application scored an interview. As a PR major in a sea full of applicants with medical background I feel like I’m a fish swimming against a current. But I have been accepted to UMKC so it’s nice to have a fallback.

-I just returned from my first business trip to Western Kansas. It was insightful and enlightening. I gained more appreciation for my company as a whole. I learned that what I’ve seen of my company thus far has only been the tip of the ice berg. Whereas I used to view my job as temporary sustenance til I found the next best thing I now see it as holding a myriad of opportunities. You know how you go to those conferences for sororities or for organizations you were involved in with college, and you come back with a renewed spirit? That’s how I feel right now. I’m hoping this lasts; it makes the workday alarmingly bearable (have any of you noticed my absence on face book chat lately? I’m pretty proud of it…)

-Now to combine the first two bullet points.. I’m swaying back and forth between going to school full time to finish in 2 years or to work and do school to finish in 4.

-I have a boyfriend, and we’ve almost been dating 5 months. WOW. What happened. Not where I saw myself at this point in time but that’s the way things happen sometimes.

-I recently signed a lease to live another yar with my current roomies. Has it really already been a year since I’ve moved in?

-I’ve started volunteering at North KC Hospital with cancer patients. Not quite as happy as I thought it would be. I’ve learned to never take anything for granted, however.

-Milo has been to H-E double hockey sticks and back, and I’ve watched a month’s salary disappear before my very eyes to save him. I might end up writing a whole entry about this one later if I feel like it, but moral of the story is, I saved his life with 1/12 of my salary.

-I’m so so happy it’s Spring!

And that’s about all I have time for currently. I’m kinda excited to go back and read what I’ve been missing out on, looks like I’ve got about 7 hours worth of blog –stalking I have to do for all of you

Til next time,
