Friday, July 23, 2010


Sorry for the slacking! It's been a while. So here's the last month in a nutshell...

I put in my two week this week.
Somebody once asked me how that feels.
I can’t quite explain the feeling of googling “how to write a formal resignation” , so you all will just have to experience it yourselves someday to see :). It makes me feel light on my feet. It makes me feel guilty whenever co-workers find out. It gives me a lot more to do/wrap up at work. It also takes away any remaining motivation I have, which in turn makes the latter a seemingly monumental task.
My schedule is about to change, a lot.
In fact I’m having fun daydreaming about my new daily routine. Get up, go to workout class, go to the school library, study all day, go to class at night (Class times are from 4-7 or 7-10 Monday through Thursday). I’m also looking for a part time job to take care of what I like to call my “recreational fun” ie: cab rides, clothing, roadtrips, plane tickets to see the boy, ect. Hopefully that will end up in a hospital or healthcare facility doing some filing duties, and not as a waitress at a restaurant, but I’ll take what I can get.
I’m about to be surrounded by a completely different crowd of people.
The average age for my class is 29. This leaves a lot to the imagination, seeing as how there are only 29 people in the class. According to my advisor, there are 3 people in my boat with a communications background, 2 physicians, 2 lawyers, some medical and occupational therapy students, but the majority of them are law students interested in the healthcare sector (I thought this was interesting!) I’m not one for group projects but I might develop an affinity toward them if I’m working with people like this because I feel like I would have so much to gain!
I have face book stalked every single one of them.
I felt like I should make this a category on its own. Come on, don’t tell me you guys have gotten a list of future co-workers or classmates and haven’t felt tempted to turn to the Book! When there’s a list of a meager 29 people it takes no time at all. It looks like there are a decent amount of people my age, lots of KUers (oh boy) . And then there were about a third who didn’t have face book. I’m assuming they’re the ones who are older than 29. Needless to say, I’m so excited to make new friends!
My summer has blown by.
Somehow I have managed to be out of town or have visitors every single weekend! Not only has it been fun and I’ve had plenty of catch up time with friends, but it’s also put a huge dent in other sectors of my life. It’s not good when each week you don’t feel okay til Wednesday because you’re recovering from sleep-deprivation, sunburn, hangover, jet-lag, ect.
This week's example: It’s Friday and it still hurts to wear clothes (because I’m peeling) or to smile (my lips got surnburnt).
This weekend I said my first “no” to an Ozarks trip and am staying at my apartment alone to clean, get ready for school, job search, get my oil changed, ect. And I’ve never been more excited.
Long distance relationship can work.
With a slow start and inexperience combined with insecurity I wasn’t sure what to expect out of this situation. All it took was a little patience and communication. I once googled “long distance relationships” (can you tell I like google) and vowed never to do it again, because all I found were negative warnings about them. But somehow, some way, this is working, 8.5 hours distance. And it’s going quite smoothly. I feel like a very lucky girl. The worst part of it is missing each other, but when that’s the only problem you have, you know there’s not much to complain about. We’ve gotten to go to Chicago, to Kansas City, and then went camping out at his lake 15 miles south of Paola. So much fun! If lying in a tent at 5 am in the morning unable to sleep because your dripping sweat (did anybody else feel how hot it was last wkend!??!) isn’t a bonding experience, I don’t know what is.
I’ve joined a gym.
Called Fusion Fitness. If anybody is interested in getting a (pardon my French) “Ass-whooping” this is the place for you! It combines barre combinations, dance, yoga and pilates . Some days the only way I make it through class is by desiring to look like the majority of the girls in the class. Maybe someday it will happen? And they play great tunes so sometimes I pretend like I’m jamming to the radio in order to ignore my muscles crying out for help. Anyway, joining this gym has been energy-inducing, challenging, exhilarating, and humbling all at the same time.

And I'm out of things to say... for now! Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great post! Congratulations on getting through your resignation and heading back to school. I'm sure some of the people in your class will be awesome!

    And geez, gooood luck at that gym.
