Thursday, August 27, 2009


For the sure minded: Empowering
For the indecisive: Foreboding

Decisive people associate the word with opportunity. People like me immediately think of regret.
Regret is the slap in the face that lets you know you made the wrong decision.

Everybody goes through it in one form or another, for instance picking the wrong major, the wrong friends, the wrong sorority, ect. Realizing your ex was a catch after you see him with his new sweetheart, or realizing the guy you went back to indeed hadn’t changed.

For me, picking a college was the most impactful decision I’ve made in my life. Hello, it builds the framework for the rest of your life. I’ll never forget the day I sat by my phone at 3:59 p.m. a minute before the decision deadline still unsure of where I wanted to go.

This is why I went to move Lori into Wake Forest with a lump in my throat. “Awesome”, I thought. I get to go see the life I would have had if I’d taken the other pathway. That’s like my worst nightmare.

The good news is, I went there and realized that although yes, it would have been a great experience, I don’t regret my college experience at K-State. So many great things happened to me there. I discovered a more laid-back easygoing side of me I never knew I had. I met some of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. It allowed me the space and supportive environment I needed to fumble around a bit if you will to discover who I was, who I wanted to be, who I wanted to surround myself with and what my values were.

Most importantly, I had the time and confidence to be involved in activities that I probably wouldn’t have considered if I had been going to a competitive school with a demanding academic schedule. Those activities have led me to my career goal (which I am, surprisingly, decisive about).

But I do sit here and wonder (as I read blogs of some of you who have bravely moved, ready to take on the world and do amazing things J ) : Do I want to stay in Kansas? I’ve had a great experience here. But maybe I am ready for something else. Many of you (uh, or like all 4 of you maybe?) haha know that my plan has been to go to UMKC to pursue a graduate degree in Health Administration. But after my trip to Wake Forest and hearing about different post-college plans I’ve started to ponder the idea of looking elsewhere for that degree. After all, it is what I want to do so why not go to the best program for that I can while I experience and new place with new people? I could kill two birds with one stone.

I’m so happy here in Kansas. I love being around my friends and having things to do constantly. And I actually have discovered that KU Med here has a nationally-ranked program. So I’m not making any promises here. But, for the first time in my life I feel confident enough to go out on a limb and actually consider moving somewhere else in the U.S. This is a huge, huge step for me.

Next step: Retake the GRE, raise that score and start applying!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Things I miss:
Living with a bunch of girls
Homework parties
Thursday nights
Knowing half the people you see in a bar
Bachelorette/Greys TV-watching parties
Walking to class
The K-State Student Union
Sitting in the back of PR class doing nothing but talking
Going on kitchen raids/ binge eating after a fun night at the bars (oh wait, we still do that)
My big, fat, fluffy double bed
Late night study breaks
Wearing sweats 24/7 except to go out
Being involved
My friends (although some of you are still here )
Not having to pay my own bills
Ballet class
Waking up at 10 a.m. every morning

What I don’t miss:
Job searching and everything that’s involved
College boys (Emily I’m with you they have to be older!)
Having millions of different things to think about instead of one job
Having to do homework at night
Microwave dinners
Hang overs (I can’t lie they still happen sometimes)
Lugging my laptop to class
Being around younger people

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hello again,

Today’s topic: Weddings.
Four down, two more to go during this summer alone. So it comes as no surprise to me that the topic has been on my mind.

I think I differ from a lot of girls. I get the vibe from many that the trend is to start planning the basics of your wedding at age 4: whether that be deciding the details of Prince Charming or the design of your wedding gown. It progresses from there until college girls are saying “When I get married I’m going to have these colors” or “these will probably be my bridesmaids.”

The engagements or marriages of close friends and acquaintances probably stirred these conversations, as well as made me realize how far behind I am in even thinking about my wedding. I told my roomie Adrienne Molstad (an interior designer) that she was in charge of picking colors and planning mine, but to leave the groom and bridesmaids up to me. Please and thanks and I’d rather not waste the time.


After seeing different weddings, being in one and even going to a bridal convention with Lindsey I realized why it is important how you celebrate your special day. And after seeing a bridal fashion show I even have my wedding dress picked out. (Although it ‘s highly unlikely it will be in style by the time I get married).

Which brings me to the next, more important thing: the groom.

How do you know if you’ve picked the right person? I found my answer this weekend at Cassie’s wedding. Incredible. They were calm and smiley alllll day. After seven years of dating. I was more stressed out than Cassie was. I asked her as she was waiting to go into the church: “Are you nervous at all?” She just looked at me and point blank said: “No. Not at all. I am completely calm because I have nodoubt in my mind that this is the perfect person for me. I am so excited to celebrate it tonight!” And after watching her and Chad (who had told Ben the exact same thing) all day, I figured it out. That’s how it’s supposed to be, and that’s how you know.

I would presume that the tricky part is not letting the planning and hype of it all get in the way of cherishing the night with your special one.

Enough of the deep talk. On a lighter note, I am excited to go to my cousin’s wedding this weekend in Roanoke, Virginia. It’s my Mom’s side of the family. My cousin’s fiancĂ© actually works as a Sales Associate for DePuy (Johnson and Johnson) which is one of Zimmer’s biggest competitors! Small world! Bet we’ll have some interesting conversations. Lori is getting moved back in to Wake Forest. (Where has the summer gone?) I have officially moved into my cubicle (which is by far the most decorated one in this entire place and I’m not hearing the end of it) and well that’s about it as far as new and exciting news is concerned!

Til next time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

what to do with this thing?

Well, I'm back.
Last time I blogged I was giving the play-by-play of girl sleepovers, TPing wars and the latest on who's asking who to prom (and more importantly, how). Xanga anybody?

Where to start.
First of all, I'm getting old. If anything, staring at this blank piece of screen forces me to reflect on new and exciting events in my life and quite frankly folks, there aren't many.

My life is quite simple. Get up at 7:15. Go to work. Try to cram as much information in my brain as I can. Drive home in traffic at 5. Work out. Dinner. Do whatever errands or cleaning I need to do. Get home and veg out if I have time. Bond with the roomies if they don't have schoolwork. And of course, play with Milo.

But I've also realized that having a job and being on my own has brought a lot of change into my life. Here are some of the random things about myself I've started to notice! Enjoy.

- I have become organized. No, I'm not playing a joke on any of you. In fact, I'm starting to scare myself a little bit. I've gone from untidy and scatterbrained to OCD. Examples of this include:
-I made a budget that requires me to religiously record every single payment I make. With this comes a receipt envelope and a red pen used to remind/punish myself everytime I go over my allowed expenditure for each category.
-I do laundry twice a week. My hamper no longer overflows.
-I have become incapable of doing anything until our kitchen is sparkling clean.
-I haven't even moved into my office cube yet nor have I offiically taken over my accounts but already have about 25 labelled folders, supplies, pictures, a plant and meticulously organized file folders waiting for my arrival. I also go through about 50 post-it notes a day.

-I cook. A LOT. Between daydreaming about dinner at work, wandering around Hy-Vee til I find perfect deals and meals, and figuring out how to cook I spend a decent amount of my day thinking about food. I have always been a fatty at heart, so I guess some things never change.

-I now know where the saying "I live for the weekends" comes into play. (Turns out that Jenni's Xanga name was very insightful. ) Because never before have I lived for the weekends until I got a job. But the most ironic thing about the phrase is that once the weekend comes around I'm pretty much too tired to do anything. But somehow I still find the energy atleast once a week :)

-I've started thinking about the weather more. I like it to be sunny during my few hours of free time, and I like it to rain during work so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

-I have a kitty. I never thought having another being depend on you could be such a rewarding fulfilling feeling. Milo has taught me this firsthand.

-Aggieville is just not the same anymore. It's only taken me one Manhattan visit to realize that I was over that scene a semester ago.

-I watch the news. And the discovery channel, and the history channel. I also set up alerts for these on my Blackberry. Shark week or hurricane week anybody? Need I say more....

-I've started appreciating my parents more. Big time step for me!

Time to go. I can't promise many interesting posts but what a great way to keep in touch. Props to Rach for starting this thing up :) Bye til next time!