Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gossip Girl

I heard of Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodson and knew their stories before I even know what Gossip Girl was and associated them with it. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I think i'd be one of it's millions of viewers. This year things changed.  It wasn't really until I got home today, finished with a hard week of school and felt oversurged with joy when I realized I had 3 recorded gossip girl episodes to catch up on that it hit me: I'm addicted.

But why? I can't figure out if I actually like the plot, or if I'm just hooked because the characters and schemes in it are so twisted that I literally can't stop watching. I wait for Serena's crazy outfits. I wonder what smart-alec comment will fly from Blair's mouth next. I cring as Vanessa continues to scheme and manipulate people.

It's kind of like Nip Tuck. It's rather twisted and sick but you become hooked, regardless of whether you enjoy it or not. 

Then I thought about it a little harder and realized, there's been a theme going on with my television viewing. That theme seems to be: the more mindless a show is, the more I want to watch it. Maybe it's because I want to rest my brain?

Most likely, due to my recent trends in watching Real Housewives, Gossip Girl and America's next Top Model it might just be that I am caught up in witnessing the glamour that goes on in other people's lives. It takes me to a completely different world that I'm in, because literally, I can't understand how somebody could buy $5,000 necklaces for their girl's 16 birthday party favors, for instance. I sit there in awe, probably with my mouth hanging open, trying, just trying to imagine what goes through somebody's head when they just toss money around like that. Or trying to fathom what it'd be like to have a different dress to buy each week to attend the latest charity event of New York's elite (although I'll skip the blue sparkly sequin dress, thank you). 


  1. haha I know exactly what you mean. I rarely watch TV, but when I do, it's usually The Millionaire Matchmaker or True Blood. I just want to tune out and be entertained!

    This post is so true! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I LOVE Gossip's the best show ever. So glad to hear you're a GG fan. NY Magazine does this hilarious re-cap every week and reading it is almost better than actually watching the show. Also...I have a new blog!

